Descendants of Nikolaus Faust

Third Generation

3. Valentin Faust (Johann Peter , Nikolaus ) died 1 on 31 Aug 1775 in Münchweiler, Germany.

ab 1767 Müller auf der Fauster Mühle in Maßweiler; Sohn des Müllers auf der Fauster Mühle, Johannes Faust ; Enkel des Müllers auf der Fauster Mühle, Niclaus *Faust. Nach dem Tod des Erbauers Nikolaus Faust ging die Mühle über seinen Sohn im Jahr 1767 an den Enkel Valentin *Faust als Allein­eigentümer über [Vgl. Pfalzstrom, Informationszeitung der Pfalzwerke Ludwigshafen, Heft 10/1993, S. 13; vorhanden im Archiv PRFK Ludwigshafen, XXI Mühlen Stichwort Fauster Mühle; vgl. Verbandsgemeinde Wallhalben: Heimatbuch, a.a.O., S. 36]. °° mit Apollonia Boeffel († vor 1761 Fauster Mühle); aus der Ehe ging die Tochter Anna Maria Faust hervor (geb. um 1740 - † 3.1.1781; °° mit Johann Wilhelm Pfeifer, Arbeiter und Bauer in Großsteinhausen) [Vgl. Rohr: kath. Kirchenbuch Großsteinhausen, a.a.O., S. 82].

From 1767 Müller at the Faustermühle in Maßweiler; Son of the miller on the Faustermühle, Johannes Faust; Grandson of the miller on the Faustermühle, Niclaus * Faust. After the death of the builder Nikolaus Faust, the mill passed over his son in 1767 to grandson Valentin * Faust as sole proprietor of [ Palatinate, information about the Pfalzwerke Ludwigshafen, issue 10/1993, p. 13; Available in the library PRFK Ludwigshafen, XXI Mühlen Keyword Faustermühle; See Association of Wallhalben: Heimatbuch, op. Cit., P. 36 ]. °° with Apollonia Boeffel († before 1761 Faustermühle); from the marriage the daughter of Anna Maria Faust emerged (born around 1740 - † 01.03.1781; °° with Johann Wilhelm Pfeifer, workers and farmers in Großsteinhausen) . [Cf. Tube: cath. Kirchenbuch Großsteinhausen, op. Cit., P. 82 ].
Die Faustermühle im Wallhalbtal
Oberhalb des Zusammenflusses von Wallhalb und Schwarzbach steht die Faustermühle am Mühlenwanderweg. Bis 1564 soll beim Mühlengut die ehemalige Siedlung Rieschweiler gelegen haben. Die Mühle selbst wird 1601 von einem Marteß Hanß von Mühlenbach (Höhmühlbach) errichtet. Lediglich einen Mahlgang (Mühlstein) hatte die Mühle zu jener Zeit. Aber schon bald fehlt von der Mühle jede Nachricht bis zum Jahre 1695. Es ist anzunehmen, dass sie das Schicksal vieler anderer Mühlen teilte und im Dreißigjährigen Krieg untergegangen ist.

Erst im Jahr 1705 hat Nikolaus Faust aus Rieschweiler die Mühle an dem längst verwilderten Mühlplatz wieder errichtet. Ab jener Zeit nannte man das Mühlengut die „Maßweiler Mühle“. Bald darauf baute Faust zur Getreidemühle noch eine Sägemühle. Die Kraft des Wassers musste für unterschiedliche Handwerksbereiche genutzt werden, um den Menschen die körperliche Arbeit zu erleichtern. Nach dem Tod des Erbauers wurde sein Sohn Mühlenbesitzer. Ab dem Jahre 1756 führte der Enkel Valentin Faust die Mühle als Alleinbesitzer weiter. Die Sägemühle wurde 1759 zu einer Ölmühle umgebaut. Zwischenzeitlich hatte sich wieder der Name „Faustermühle“ nach dem Erbauer und späteren Besitzer wieder eingebürgert.

The Faustermühle in Wallhalbtal
Above the confluence of Wallhalb and Schwarzbach, the Faustermühle stands on the mill trail. Until 1564, the former settlement Rieschweiler is said to have been located near Mühlengut. The mill itself was built in 1601 by a Marteß Hess of Mühlenbach (Höhmühlbach). Only a Mahlgang (millstone) had the mill at that time. But soon enough the mill lacks any news until the year 1695. It can be assumed that she shared the fate of many other mills and perished in the Thirty Years' War.

It was not until 1705 that Nikolaus Faust from Rieschweiler rebuilt the mill on the long overgrown Mühlplatz. From that time the mill was called the "Maßweiler mill". Soon after, Faust built a sawmill for the flour mill. The power of the water had to be used for different craft areas in order to facilitate people's physical work. After the death of the builder, his son became a mill owner. From the year 1756 the grandson Valentin Faust continued the mill as a sole proprietor. The sawmill was rebuilt in 1759 to an oil mill. In the meantime, the name "Faustermühle" had re-established itself after the builder and later owner.
Valentin Faust

from 1767 miller on the Fauster mill in Massweiler; Son of the miller on the Fauster mill, Johannes Faust; Grandson of the miller on the Fauster mill, Niclaus Faust. After the death of the builder Nicholas Faust, the mill passed over his son in 1767 to the grandson Valentin Faust as the sole owner. Pfalzstrom, information newspaper of Pfalzwerke Ludwigshafen, issue 10/1993, p. 13; available in the archive PRFK Ludwigshafen, XXI mills keyword Fauster mill; see. Verbandsgemeinde Wallhalben: Heimat Buch, a.a.O., p. 36]. °° with Apollonia Boeffel († before 1761 Fauster mill); The daughter Anna Maria Faust came out of the marriage (born around 1740 - † 3.1.1781; °° with Johann Wilhelm Pfeifer, worker and farmer in Großsteinhausen) [Cf. Pipe: cath. church book Großsteinhausen, a.a.O., p. 82].

The above was received from Michael Nickel. Michael is a German native and is the husband to a descendent of the Faust family from Massweiler.

Valentin married (1) Anna Apollonia BÜffel 1. Anna was born about 1713. She died 2 on 18 Dec 1758 in Kneispermühle, Germany.

They had the following children:

+ 6 M i Johann Jakob Faust was born on 8 Aug 1735.
  7 F ii Eva Catharina Faust 1 was born on 24 Jun 1738 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.
  8 F iii Anna Maria Faust 1 was born on 21 Aug 1740 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.
  9 M iv Johannes Faust 1 was born on 5 Mar 1774 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.
  10 M v Johann Christian Faust was born on 9 Feb 1747 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.
  11 M vi Johannes Faust 1 died on 7 Mar 1756 in Kneispermuhle, Germany.
  12 F vii Maria Catharina Faust 1 was born on 10 May 1750 in Faustermühle, Massweiler, Germany.
        Maria married Jacobus Meyer on 2 Oct 1780 in Massweiler, Pflaz, Germany. Jacobus was born in .

Valentin married 2 (2) Philippina Bantner 1 daughter of Joseph Bantner and Anna Elisabeth Hengel on 15 May 1764 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.

They had the following children:

  13 F viii Maria Magdalena Faust 1 was born on 17 Jun 1765 in Massweiler, Germany.

4. Christian Faust 1 (Johann Peter , Nikolaus ) died on 16 Oct 1767 in Faustermuhle, Massweiler, Germany.

Christian married 2 Anna Catharina Hengel 1 daughter of Johannes Hengel and Maria Veronica on 1 Mar 1738 in Massweiler, Germany. Anna died on 19 Jul 1774 in Massweiler, Germany.

They had the following children:

+ 14 F i Maria Elisabeth Faust was born on 1 Jan 1741.
  15 F ii Anna Eva Faust 1 was born on 23 Jan 1746 in Massweiler, Germany.
  16 M iii Johann Jakob Faust 1 was born on 2 Feb 1749 in Massweiler, Germany.
  17 F iv Maria Susanna Faust 1 was born on 23 Feb 1752 in Massweiler, Germany.
  18 M v Johann Peter Faust 1 was born on 25 Aug 1755 in Massweiler, Germany.
  19 M vi Samuel Faust 1.
        Samuel married 2 Elisabeth Mohr 1 daughter of Johann Mohr and Magdalena Rensch on 20 Jan 1766 in Massweiler, Germany.

5. Jakob Faust (Johann Peter , Nikolaus ).

Jakob married 2 Susanna Schum (Schomm) 1 daughter of Martin Schum on 13 Nov 1742 in Massweiler, Germany. Susanna was born in 1729. She died on 28 Mar 1765 in Massweiler, Germany.

They had the following children:

  20 F i Anna Maria Faust 1 was born on 29 Sep 1743 in Massweiler, Germany.
+ 21 M ii Johann Jakob Faust was born on 9 Apr 1746.
  22 M iii Johann Christian Faust 1 was born on 29 Apr 1749 in Massweiler, Germany. He died on 19 Apr 1750 in Massweiler, Germany.
  23 F iv Maria Elisabeth Faust 1 was born on 15 Oct 1752 in Massweiler, Germany. She died on 7 Feb 1756 in Massweiler, Germany.
  24 F v Maria Margaretha Faust 1 was born on 18 Nov 1755 in Massweiler, Germany.
  25 M vi Johannes Faust 1 was born on 13 Dec 1758 in Massweiler, Germany. He died on 10 Mar 1761 in Massweiler, Germany.
  26 M vii Henrich Faust 1 was born on 7 Dec 1761 in Massweiler, Germany. He died on 7 Dec 1764 in Massweiler, Germany.

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