Descendants of Nikolaus Faust


83. Albert Faust

1Alex and Renate Konnel, Personal Research - Renate Konnel.

86. Otto Faust

1Alex and Renate Konnel, Personal Research - Renate Konnel.

Helene Adrian

1Funeral Card - Helene (Adrian) Faust.

157. Christa Faust

1Funeral Card - Helene (Adrian) Faust.

158. Gisela Faust

1Funeral Card - Helene (Adrian) Faust.

88. Friedrich Faust

1Alex and Renate Konnel, Personal Research - Renate Konnel.

89. Paula Faust

1Renate Konnel, Personal Information - Renate Konnel.

162. Kurt Anton Könnel

1Renate Konnel, Personal Information - Renate Konnel.

92. Anton Jacob Faust

1St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard, Nebraska, Church Records (Located in Rectory) Lindsay, Nebraska.

2Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

3Geraldine Watts, Personal Information - Geraldine (Faust) Watts.
St. Bonaventure Cemetery.

Margaret Mary Homan

1Geraldine Watts, Personal Information - Geraldine (Faust) Watts.

Cecilia Gillespie

1Geraldine Watts, Personal Information - Geraldine (Faust) Watts.

2St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard, Nebraska, Church Records (Located in Rectory) Lindsay, Nebraska.

93. Victor Mathais Faust

1St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard, Nebraska, Church Records (Located in Rectory) Lindsay, Nebraska.

2St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard, Nebraska.

Martha Anna Cox

1Geraldine Watts, Personal Information - Geraldine (Faust) Watts.

95. Peter William Ernst

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

Gertrude Lordemann

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

96. Edward August Ernst

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

97. Anna Christina Ernst

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

Milton John Bartels

1Marilyn (Ernst) Digilio, Personal Information - Marilyn Digilio.

99. Matthias Joseph Ernst

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

100. Louis (Lewis) John Ernst

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.

Frieda Christina Mohr

1Dolores Giles, Personal Information - Dolores (Ernst) Giles.